UPDATE #2: A second upside-down Jay Bruce RC
has shown up on eBay; however, no other gimmicks the likes of which we saw in Topps
1 &
BowChro, or
Heritage have yet to appear. All of which leads to the question: Should I consider these gimmick cards? Stealth variations? Or actual error cards?
Or do you even care either way?
The Cardboard Junkie thinks that these two error cards may not be legit. After further review, and until more of these begin to make their way onto eBay, I yield to The Junkie's judgment.
Well, that didn't take long.

Holy Hitter of SCU)
Im sure it was an honest mistake.
I am suspicious myself like cardboard junkie and that is why I posted "If this is real does this count" as the hypertext.
The thing that makes me wonder is how the "error" cards lettering shines and glimmers and yet the regular ones don't. Something seems fishy....but who knows....the crazy thing is that it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility with Topps Baseball gimmicks does it.
Looks like the streak is going to continue.....
The Second Bruce "upside down" error is now live on the bay by a different seller
what reeks of reality is that these "oops f%*k" cards are not of the nobodies, the never was, and the never will be... they are of Bruce and Fukudome. Maybe if some casecracker put up a whole set of these, we'd know it was a mistake (I hope) but no.... it's the two main wants out of this set.
Me smells shenanigans... and it ain't pretty.
I say they're gimmicks and now I know why you were right to boycott Topps. I don't think I'm going to buy any update packs.
wow, this would be a pretty bizarre gimmick if its indeed intentional, I mean c'mon there's got to be funnier things to do then that.
only thing the "actual printing error" explanation has going for it at this point (IMO) is that the card #'s are 1 and 100, and not say 65 and 256.
I still say fake. The foil has that photoshopped look of a sell sheet. The second Bruce's foil looks exactly like the first one. I think Topps is in the clear right now.
Trust, but verify
Well as of 9:39 p.m. on 10/22 there are now 5 Jay Bruce upside down cards listed and 3 Fukudome upside down cards listed.
Oh how I long for the days past of actual error cards. These "cards" from Topps make a mockery of the hobby.
Ok, now that a few of them are out there it's most likely not a fake.
However if these are errors, I'll eat my foot. Gimmick cards all the way.
Right now I am glad I don't collect baseball and have to figure out B.S. or gimmick....what a clusterf**k
I bought a single pack of 2008 Topps Update last night at Wal-Mart and pulled the Jay Bruce upside down error card. From what I've read, the odds of pulling one are one in two cases.
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