Monday, January 01, 2001

2000 Wantlist

Updated 3/23/25

2000 Black Diamond

108 (Meyers)

Barrage (B): 5 (Gonzalez)

2000 Black Diamond Rookie Edition

93 94 95 96 97 103 104 105 110 111 118 119 120 133 142

2000 Bowman

129 289 343 351 366 438

2000 Bowman's Best

8 23 33 107 139 140 171 174 p188 189 191 195

Pre-Production (PP): 1 2
Best Selections (BBS): 5 12
Franchise 2000 (F): 3 7 16 18
Year by Year (YY): 6

2000 E-X

E-Xplosive (XP): 10 13
E-Xceptional Red (XC): 2 4 8 13 14 15

2000 FanFest

4 (Pacific)

2000 Finest

21 38 49 61 62 111 115 249 275

Ballpark Bounties (BB): 21 (Griffey)
For the Record (FR): 1ab 2abc 3abc 4abc 5ab 6abc 7abc 8ab 9a 10bc
Dreamcast (DC): 10 (R. Johnson)

2000 Fleer Gamers

Cal to Greatness (C): 15
Change the Game (CG): 4 (Jeter)

2000 Fleer Mystique

142 142 146 148 150 152 155 161 172 173 174

High Praise (HP): 4 (Jeter)
Rookie I.P.O. (RI): 
Seismic Activity (SA): 1 (Griffey)

2000 Fleer Showcase

109 111

2000 Fleer Tradition Glossy Rookies

451 452 453 453 455 456 457 459 460 462 463 464 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500

2000 Fleer Tradition Twizzlers  10 11 12

2000 Impact

31 117 192

2000 Metal

204 208 213 215 226 231 232 235 239

2000 Skybox

Preeminence (P): 4 (A-Rod)
NSCC Promos: 2 3 4 5 6

2000 Skybox Dominion

52 (Clement)

Milestones (M): 1 2 3 4 5 6

2000 SP Authentic

136 141 153 154 156

2000 SPx

92 94 98 101 105 107 111 117 118 119 129 130 148 184 187 189 195

Foundations (F): 2 (Nomar)
Untouchable Talents (UT): 1 2 6 8 9 10

2000 Stadium Club

213 220 223 241

3X3 Luminous: 6b (Jeter)
Chrome Preview (SCC): 7 17 20

2000 Stadium Club Chrome

Visionaries (V): 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 15 18 20
Clear Shots (CS): 6 9
True Colors (TC): 8 (Griffey)

2000 Topps

Own the Game (OTG): 18 (Millwood)

2000 Topps Chrome

Allegiance (TA): 6 10 13
New Millennium Stars (NMS): 4 (Sexson)

2000 Topps Gallery

Exhibits (GE): 10 13 15 16 19 20 21 24 25 26 27
Proof Positive (P): 2 (Jeter / Soriano)

2000 Topps Gold Label

Class 1: 6 37 38 61 73 84 88
Class 2: 5 11 14 28 30 44 48 51 64 65 66 78 82
Class 3: 6 10 18 30 37 42 45 53 89 97

Treasury (T): 4 16 17 18 19 21 25
End the Rainbow (ER): 4 8

2000 Topps HD

Pre-Production (PP): 2 (Biggio)
On the Cutting Edge (CE): 10 (Griffey)
HD Image (HDI): 8 (A-Rod)

2000 Topps Stars

26 65

Progression (P): 6 (Smith / Jeter / Furcal)

2000 UD Ionix

8 21 43 84

Pyrotechnics (P): 1 6 11
Warp Zone (WZ): 1 3 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15

2000 Ultimate Victory

113 114

2000 Ultra

240 265 298

World Premiere (WP): 2 (Berkman)
Crunch Time (CT): 3 (McGwire)
Talented: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2000 Upper Deck

378 404

STATitude (S): 15 (Biggio)
Faces of the Game (F): 13 (Maddux)
PowerDeck: 11 (Reggie)

2000 Upper Deck Hitter's Club

1 2 3 6 10 20 22 24 28 34 36 37 38 40 45 48 52 69 71 73 76 79 82 83

Epic Performances (EP): 5 (Yastrzemski)
Generations of Excellence (GE): 8 (Henderson/Brock)
Accolades (A): 1 (Yount)
On Target (OT): 1 2 4 5 7 9
Hitter's Club (HC): 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10

2000 Upper Deck HoloGrFX

Future Fame (FF): 5 (Griffey)

2000 Upper Deck Legends

15 24 41 50 61 76 93 94 96 99 103 104 105 120 122 124

Defining Moments (DM): 5 (Fisk)

2000 Upper Deck MVP

Prolifics (P): 3 (Jeter)
Draw your own Card (DT): 20 31

2000 Upper Deck Ovation

Superstar Theater (ST): 2 7 14 19

2000 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects

99 105 111 122 123 125 126 127 128 131 138 155 160 162

2000 Victory

54 112 136 163 225 254 272 315 408

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