As if the Topps Stephen Strasburg fuster-cluck couldn't get any worse. It was confirmed by Topps on their "
Million Card Scam, errr..., Giveaway" facebook page that all 2010 Topps Baseball factory sets will have a Stephen Strasburg pseudo-rookie card and that card will be numbered 661 in the set.
Unlike the card available on the Million Card Slot Machine, errr..., Giveaway website (a grand total of 37 have been unlocked in the first 24 hours) this one will have a different photo on the front and different text on the back.
But it will still be numbered card #661 in the 2010 Topps Baseball set.
If you had known before the season that Stephen Strasburg's 2010 Topps card would be available only in factory sets, or on a glorified video poker machine, would you have built your set through packs?
Are any of you going to buy packs of 2011 Topps? Or 2012?