Yes, it's real.

You've seen the previews. You've read the negative reaction from around the cardblogosphere. And I know what you're thinking. How can I get in on the action? How can I simultaneously make fun of Topps for such a bad concept AND come away with a one-of-a-kind prize?
Fear not collector. Introducing the Stale Gum, Topps National Chicle Parody Card contest.
Just make your own National Chicle-inspired parody card, and e-mail it to me. If I judge you to have made the best fake card, you'll win a genuine one-of-one custom "Franken-Cut" signature card of serial plagiarist/Topps apparatchik Chris Olds.
Yes, this is a real 100% authentic signature of Olds, cut out of a greeting card acquired by yours truly, and mounted into a custom 2.5" X 3.5" frame.
Don't delay, enter today! And to inspire you, here are some examples of what I'm looking for.

Awesome! So damn funny.
Plagiarist is a big word to be throwing around. Hope you can back it up.
Beckett, you aren't tellin us that the Babe Ruth card does not look like Chipper Jones minus the head? Come on now....
Beckett has the original Babe Ruth photo that the card was made from. It is the Babe. A young Babe Ruth does look like Chipper Jones. Both have that upturn nostril look. (Kind of like the Negroid race feature). Author Fred Lieb in his book stated Ty Cobb would not sleep under the same roof as Babe because Babe was an African American (he did not use this word in the 1920s).
hahahaha. Robin Yount made me laugh so freakin hard.
My entries. Now if you'll excuse me I have small woodland creatures to torture.
John, here is the 'Ruthe-like Chipper Jones' that I was referring to:
If you still think it looks legit, then I think you're off your rocker! I don't follow baseball on a consisten basis, but I can see the problem on this pic!!!
And here is a discussion with the artist of that Ruth card, including a photo to painting image. Just like going to the moving picture shows, but it doesn't cost a quarter.
My entry,
Some thoughts from Team Phungo:
My entry
Seems to me Beckett and Topps are the same company. Also, Topps and Chris Olds are sending Stale Gum free stuff is that why "Blog Beckett" commentor guy is jealous/mad?? lol
I always thought Chris Harris and Chris Olds were the same guy?
My Bad
Second entry.
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