According to the press release, this rookie card (their words) has been selling for as much as $970.
$970? For an autographed "rookie" card of Dice-K? And serial numbered to only 18 copies?
There's just one teensy-weensy problem.
This "2007" Upper Deck Premiere "rookie card" of Dice-K was issued.....
... in packs of the recently released 2008 Upper Deck Premiere.
In other words, Upper Deck is trying to pass off a card issued in April 2008, as a card from 2007.
In UD's defense, this card was supposed to be in last year's UD Premiere. (Not wanting to pack it out as a redemption, they pulled it and saved for this year.)
That still doesn't make it a 2007 card, and nor is it a "true" rookie.
It is what it is: an autographed second-year card of a pretty damn good pitcher.
1 comment:
B-b-b-b-but... It's got a "rookie card" logo on it! It *HAS* to be a rookie! Upper Deck would never lie to me!
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