Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Remember when "Baseball Cards" had, you know, *BASEBALL* players on them?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you this year's "Poley Walnuts."

And yes, this is an actual card that will be inserted into '09 UD2 packs.


Wax Heaven said...

I got the email and nearly puked.

This is pretty bad.

James B. Anama said...

I don't know if I'd call this pathetic. It's only part of a insert set (a ridiculous concept of an insert set mind you) that the brain trust at UD came up with.

Now, if a certain other baseball card company decides to include Bo with their actual 2009 base design (and gives it a number like BO-1), then...


JayBee Anama

capewood said...

I've been sick of historical insert cards and celebrity insert cards since the first one I ever saw (Denis Leary Studio Fans of the Game from 2004, I can't stand this guy). The trend has just gotten worst. Buy a blaster of 2009 Upper Deck A Piece of History and marvel at the lack of actual baseball cards. On second thought, do not buy this product. Its worse than last year.

McGee's Willie said...

I can't stand finding these cards in my packs. This is most of the reason why I stopped buying Upper Deck products (except for the Goudeys).

dayf said...

arf arf arf

diesal71pa said...

There is nothing like coming home from the card shop with smallpox. well at least the vaccine card in ud piece of history. i got the blue version numbered to 25. lol